I'll go anywhere once.

I grew up with road trips and tent camping. I didn't grow up with a lot, but I did go exploring the US with my family. Now my biggest hobbies are traveling and amateur photography. I have been to 49 states (excluding North Dakota, nothing personal), Mexico, Canada, Iceland, and ten of the Caribbean Islands. I'm looking forward to breaking out of the North American bubble and exploring more of the world.

My love of adventure helped lead me to my current professional life as well. My occupation as a business development manager for Applied Technical Services (ATS), a wonderful engineering firm, gives me opportunities to travel, plenty of time on commercial building roof tops (height fanatic alert), and an exceptional professional circle. I have been with ATS since July 2010.

I currently live just outside of Denver, CO, with my dog, Finn. Finn enjoys long walks, running around at the dog park and cuddles.

I'm a huge music enthusiast and avid concert goer (Red Rocks Amphitheater is less than 20 minutes from my front door). I also love cooking, photography and adventuring in the outdoors. You can typically find me snowboarding at Keystone in the winter and hiking and camping all over this beautiful state in the summer.

Visit my Professional and Photography pages. I'll continue to add content as life goes on.